Rudswilbad tour with the e-bike

The  e-bike tour leads towards Wynigen through small villages and over hills to Ersigen and the Landgasthof Rudswilbad.
The tour starts in Burgdorf and leads via Heimiswil and Kaltacker up towards Lueg. Shortly before Lueg, you turn off and ride down through the beautiful Wynigenberge mountains via Schwanden to Wynigen. From there, take the side roads to Rumendingen and then to the Rudswilbad restaurant above Ersigen. This tour includes climbs, descents and leisurely rides in the valley.

The Rudswilbad restaurant is a popular restaurant in the region with excellent cuisine. And from the beautiful terrace, you have a wonderful view of the Bernese Mittelland and the Jura.

Well refreshed and rested, you then return to Burgdorf by e-bike along side roads.

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