Visit from organ builder Ueli Egli

Visit the Örgelibauer Ueli in Schmidigen by e-bike.

He tells you about his place of work, about the way he builds his organs with the help of a CNC machine, but also about how the instrument works. The tour itself lasts around three quarters of an hour. Afterwards, a Schwyzerörgel player will give you a little taster - the mini-concert lasts around a quarter of an hour.

The guided tour is designed for groups of up to 20 people and costs a flat rate of CHF 60.00, the small concert at the end costs a flat rate of CHF 40.00.

The e-bike tour takes you through the beautiful Emmental hills either over the Wynigenberge or over the famous Lueg past the Emmental show dairy to the Örgelibauer.

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